

With your first consultation appointment in our practise we are glad to get to know you and your child personally. Already available X-ray pictures and models can be brought - no transfer of the dentist or family doctor is necessary for a consultation appointment.
We recommend a non-binding image with the orthodontist already at the Kindergarden age (4-5 years) to check up the development of the set of teeth and the pine. False positions of the teeth and pine can be corrected at the early age with low expenditure.
An early treatment, at the age of from 5 to 9 years old can be already necessary in the pure milk set of teeth (if the remaining front teeth are there already) and last 1.5 years.
The optimum time for the beginning of treatment lies as a rule at the age between 10 and 12 years. One begins with an individual therapy, however, only if this is indicated medically and if the child is thereby is not afflicted needlessly.
Also for adults a long-term pine-orthopaedic correction (with or without set of dentures) is still possible.


After clarification of all important general-medical questions first findings are provided by us (for you as an insured person this originates no additional costs).
To guarantee a permanently optimum pine-orthopaedic treatment, during the findings admission, function and malfunctioning of the fabric and the teeth, the pine joint position and the musculature status, as well as also Parodontal and mucous membrane findings are being checked.
If a treatment is wished, detailed diagnostic documents of treatment are provided, as the first step for a clear and sensible draught of treatment: Oral findings, pine models (Impression of the upper jaw and lower jaw for gypsum models), X-rays (panoramic layer admission, distant X-ray examination side admission), photographs (profile and Enface photos) and functional analysis. Individually still may be needed: radiography of the carpus, single admissions of the teeth (shifted teeth), detailed analysis of the pine joints, among other things.
On the basis of these diagnostic documents, in connection with the most modern technologies, as the second step, the manual and digital measurement and evaluation are carried out by us.
On basis of our specialist knowledge and our long-standing pine-orthopaedic experience we will provide a detailed therapy plan.


In a personal conversation detailed information about the diagnosis, the individual plan of treatment (conform to your wishes) and the possible alternatives of treatment are explained. The aims of treatment and means of treatment, prospective duration of treatment and the financial aspects to be expected are also specified.
With pleasure we answer all your open questions and wishes to achieve an optimised treatment.


Before the beginning of the treatment you decide absolutely freely whether and when the treatment should begin. Assuming your consent, the preparation for the beginning of treatment is finished. An average treatment lasts for children 2-3 years, for adults 1-2 years. Regular controlling appointments take place all 4-8 weeks.
We offer you a pine-orthopaedic treatment at high level - your well-being and good feeling during the whole treatment is to us an affair of the heart.


After the successful end of treatment, incl. stabilisation time the whole treatment ends with the exhibition of the final certificate (you, as an insured person with a legal health insurance scheme get back your own investment (own portion) by your health insurance).